A city police officer was and struck by another vehicle while parked at an accident scene in her police vehicle. She later required back surgery including a fusion to her vertebrae. The result was a $1,200,000 dollar judgment for the plaintiff.
Practice Area Category: Personal Injury
A 16-year-old woman, who was a passenger in a motor vehicle, was struck when the tortfeasor’s vehicle went through a red light, causing a scar on her cornea. An $814,321.12 dollar settlement was reached.
Motor vehicle accident / jury trial involving a shoulder injury. Liability was disputed. The pre-trial offer was $12,000 dollars. A Stamford jury awarded $138,000 dollars.
Motor vehicle accident / jury trial involving $5,000 dollars in chiropractic bills and a $7,000 dollar offer. The defendant’s policy was $25,000 dollars. The jury awarded $26,981 dollars.
Highway defect case against a city about a sidewalk fall down accident involving a crack in sidewalk. The plaintiff sustained a closed fracture of the fourth (“pinky”) finger. Judgment for the plaintiff in the amount of $20,000 dollars plus costs and pre-judgment interest.