Injuries to Women Due to Medical Malpractice

If you are a woman who has suffered injuries due to the carelessness or negligence of a medical service provider, an experienced attorney like the team at the Kocian Law Group can help. The law sets time limits on lawsuits seeking compensation for medical errors. It’s important to seek help as soon as possible after a medical injury.
Correct treatment of any condition relies on a correct diagnosis. For instance, cardiovascular disease must be detected in a timely fashion – and, because the disease often presents differently in women than in men, physicians must take the steps necessary to confirm or rule out cardiovascular disease in each particular patient. Echocardiograms (EKGs), stress tests, and blood tests may be used to screen a female patient for cardiovascular disease. Medication must be prescribed in the proper types and doses, and prescriptions must take into account the patient’s medical history and other medications she may be taking. If any of these steps is not taken correctly, serious injury or even death may result.
Similar mistakes, errors, or oversights can occur in many other contexts as well. For instance, a misread test for breast or cervical cancer may lead to a delay in diagnosis and significantly worse outcomes for the patient when the condition is finally diagnosed. Even if a diagnosis is made correctly, treatments may be inappropriate or insufficient. Patients whose symptoms are dismissed as “hysterical” or “all in your head” may also wait for a diagnosis, reducing their chances of an optimum outcome.
For many women, fertility is a particular concern during medical treatment, even if a woman is not actively trying to get pregnant. Medical professionals must take into account a patient’s wishes about preserving or improving her fertility. If a patient is left infertile due to medical treatment or is hurt during fertility or pregnancy-related treatment by the substandard care of her medical professionals, she may have a case for medical negligence.
If you feel you or a loved one has been wronged in the diagnosis and/or treatment of your medical condition, please don’t hesitate to contact the lawyers at Kocian Law Group.