Misdiagnosis, Delayed Diagnosis & Failure to Diagnose Attorney in CT

Medical professionals work to make people well. They can often perform significant feats in healing injuries, curing or managing illness, and prolonging life. But when medical professionals make a mistake, the consequences can be deadly. If misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose a condition had a negative impact on your health, call Kocian Law Group. Consultations are free and, with the help of leading experts and our decades of dealing with medical malpractice, we can help you determine and secure fair compensation for your losses.
Misdiagnosis can lead to a number of issues. If your condition was missed altogether, you may have had to delay necessary treatment, making the treatment you eventually receive less effective. With many ailments, the longer you wait the worse your prognosis becomes. Even when your prognosis is still good after a delayed diagnosis, the delay may result in longer treatment time with all that entails – missed work, more doctors’ visits, and longer recovery times.
If your condition was misdiagnosed, you may suffer the effects of a delayed diagnosis as time passes between your initial erroneous diagnosis and the discovery of the correct one. You may also suffer side effects or other serious problems due to the treatment for the initial, incorrect diagnosis, which may make you sicker instead of making you well.
Some ailments commonly misdiagnosed are:
- asthma
- stroke
- staph infection
When handling your case, numerous factors affect the most effective strategy and results. First, we have to prove that your doctor’s misdiagnosis was actually negligent; then, we must prove that the doctor’s negligence caused you harm. Even good doctors, using reasonable standards of care, can sometimes make a misdiagnosis. Not all misdiagnoses can be compensated in court. However, the law will look at whether the doctor’s mistake was a reasonable one and whether, under similar circumstances, another doctor would have made the same mistake. If your doctor deviated from accepted standards of care and this deviation caused you harm, your chances of recovering damage greatly improve.
When diagnosing conditions, doctors may use a process called differential diagnosis. During this process, your physician makes a list of possible conditions based on your symptoms and eliminates the conditions that do not explain your symptoms, test results, and other evidence related to your condition. However, sometimes a doctor will forget to consider a diagnosis even though your symptoms fit that diagnosis. If other doctors would have remembered to consider the condition, your doctor’s care may have fallen below the standard, supporting a case for medical malpractice. Sometimes, the doctor will fail to perform tests that could have indicated the presence of your condition. Failure to perform tests when testing meets the standard of care may also be considered medical malpractice.
Another way misdiagnosis occurs is through false test results. Sometimes tests produce false results due to human error: the doctor or technician did not perform the test properly. Sometimes false test results are due to equipment failure, in which case the company that made the equipment might be liable. Regardless of what caused the error, it is helpful to know why the misdiagnosis occurred so as to build a medical malpractice case if necessary and to prevent similar incidents in the future.
At Kocian Law Group, we will go over every detail of your case, discovering why and how misdiagnosis occurred. With research and hard work, we will determine how to appropriately compensate you for what you suffered due to misdiagnosis. If misdiagnosis harmed you, seek fair and just compensation today. Call Kocian Law Group.