Connecticut LLC Formation Attorney

Limited Liability Company | LLC Attorney | Kocian Law

A limited liability company, or LLC, protects those who do business under its name by limiting their personal liability for debts, legal wrongdoing, and other arrangements.

People who own an LLC are called members. An LLC can have many members or only one member.


Creating an LLC

The first thing an LLC needs is a name that differs from any other LLC’s name. Kocian Law Group will verify your chosen LLC name’s availability and help you register the name for your organization’s use. We’ll also ensure that your business name meets any other requirements of Connecticut law, such as the requirement to include the words “Limited Liability Company” or the abbreviation “LLC.”

Operating Agreement

An LLC operating agreement outlines the basic provisions of the limited liability company, such as the rights and responsibilities of its members and the methods of sharing profit. An LLC with no operating agreement risks being treated as a sole proprietorship during a dispute, exposing its owners to personal liability. This is easily averted, however, by having the Kocian Law Group prepare a proper operating agreement for your business.

Articles of Organization

Connecticut also requires LLC members to file Articles of Organization with the Secretary of State. This process comes with a filing fee. Kocian Law Group can ensure your LLC’s Articles of Organization are filed correctly.

Some information that your Article of Organization requires:

  • the LLC’s name and address
  • the name, address, and signature of your LLC’s registered agent
  • the name and address of at least one member of the LLC
  • a statement describing whether the LLC will be run by a manager or by its members

Licenses and Other LLC Filings

If you would like your LLC to be taxed as a corporation or if your LLC has more than one member, you must register for an Employer Identification Number (EIN). An EIN allows the government to identify businesses for tax purposes.

You may need other licenses before opening your business, depending on what your business does. Common licensing and permit needs for new LLCs include zoning permits, business licenses, and liquor licenses. Kocian Law Group can consult with you to determine which licenses your business needs and help you get them.

Kocian Law Group will explain the legal issues involved in business ownership clearly. We have a direct communication style that allows us to present all your options and guide you to the policies that best suit your needs.