Connecticut Bicycle & Pedestrian Accident Attorney

Accidents involving bicyclists and pedestrians struck by automobiles can result in horrific and catastrophic injuries. At the Kocian Law Group, we recognize that such accidents require precise handling to document the cause of the accident, the evidence at the scene, and the statements of witnesses. Proper reconstruction is often crucial to the outcome. Often, the victims of bicycle or pedestrian crashes struggle with such severe injuries that they are completely unable to handle their own affairs. When an injury leaves a pedestrian or bicyclist struggling with basic life tasks, it is crucial to engage legal counsel who will skillfully document the accident, reconstruct the facts, and fight for compensation. Injured people who cannot handle their own affairs can be protected through proper probate court procedures.
Let Kocian Law Group Handle the Legal Aspects of your Case While You Focus On Recovery
Kocian Law Group attorneys can gather the facts, document the claim, reconstruct the accident, and engage the probate court when necessary to assist family members in handling the injured person’s affairs, so the injured person can focus on recovering from a catastrophic bicycle or pedestrian accident. Kocian Law Group attorneys work with our clients with empathy and caring and prioritize personalized service. We are always available to make hospital and nursing home visits with family members who are caring for the victim of a catastrophic loss.
In many bicycle or pedestrian crashes, the police department will assign fault without a thorough investigation and reconstruction. Even if the police make a thorough and proper investigation, their conclusions may not be admissible in court. Skillful legal counsel who begin work on the case early in the process may conduct a thorough investigation that examines the facts from the perspective of injured bicyclists or pedestrians who may not be able to speak for themselves.
Other Considerations in Pedestrian and Bicycle Accident Cases
An experienced attorney also understands the law as it relates to pedestrians and bicyclists on the roadways, on sidewalks, and on crosswalks. A thorough investigation of pedestrian/ bicycle accident cases must involve consideration of whether those responsible are agents of a municipality or whether the injuries were caused by a highway defect – both of which bring specialized rules into play.
If the negligent driver who caused the accident consumed alcohol prior to the accident, a “dram shop” claim may also exist. If so, any bar owner who served alcohol to the negligent driver must receive specific legal notice. The attorneys at the Kocian Law Group are skilled in recognizing the legal aspects of the facts that are most crucial to a successful outcome and a recovery. Pursuing all responsible parties is especially important when catastrophic bicycle or pedestrian losses are concerned, because the victim’s damages are often enormous and may involve loss of life.
Pedestrian and Bicycle Injuries in the Course of Employment
In many cases involving catastrophic injuries to pedestrians and bicyclists, the accident may occur while the pedestrian or bicyclist is carrying out a task for work. In such cases, a workers’ compensation benefits claim may be available, but this valuable source of compensation is often overlooked by families focused on the negligence of a driver or other party. A workers’ compensation claim must be filed within a certain time period, or valuable legal rights may be lost. In the case of death, very specific legal documentation must be filed to preserve the rights of the deceased worker’s dependents. The injury lawyers at the Kocian Law Group have extensive knowledge concerning the law and can preserve legal rights that might otherwise be overlooked or missed.
Attorneys at the Kocian Law Group will approach your bicycle or pedestrian accident case with skill and knowledge of the laws pertaining to our roadways, sidewalks, and crosswalks. We will guide you or your family through the complicated process of treatment and recovery, and maximize the value of your injury claim.