Can You Receive SSD Benefits for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

Many situations can cause post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD is an anxiety disorder that typically follows a traumatic event. Its symptoms include severe anxiety, flashbacks, and nightmares that interfere with the patient’s ability to carry out daily tasks. Because PTSD symptoms can be triggered by a number of everyday activities, people who have PTSD can find it hard to work or run errands, because they cannot control whether or not they will encounter something that triggers the disorder.
Although PTSD is a mental health condition rather than a physical one, its results can be every bit as difficult to endure as physical injury or illness.
Post-traumatic stress disorder can be caused by many factors, including:
- traumatic life experiences
- genetics
- particularities in your brain chemistry that dictate which hormones the brain releases in stressful situations
- a serious on the job incident
- a combination of repetitive events that leaves psychological damage.
Treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder can involve a complicated mix of medications and therapy, both of which can get very expensive very quickly. If you have PTSD, you may be eligible for Social Security disability benefits. In order to qualify for these benefits, you must provide the Social Security Administration with enough medical documentation and supporting evidence to maintain the claim. An experienced SSD attorney at the Kocian Law Group can help you build your case.