FAQs About Social Security Disability
At Kocian Law Group, we have some questions that we commonly ask clients seeking information about Social Security Disability claims. Our team of professionals has gathered some information on our Social Security Disability FAQs.
Social Security Disability
Does Your Doctor Agree That You Are Disabled?
Our firm works with your doctors and, when appropriate, requests they complete medical statements to help the decision maker in your Social Security Disability claim make a decision in your favor. Medical causation is vital to the successful approval of a Social Security claim. When your doctor is behind your case it is more likely that you will succeed in obtaining an approval.
Has Your Doctor Verified Your Diagnosis?
Has your doctor ordered testing for you to verify the diagnoses, and to make sure all your medications are working correctly and not causing any harm? Our lawyers carefully review your medical records to determine if we have necessary evidentiary proof (including testing) to verify your diagnoses. Administrative law judges often look to the objective records in your medical chart in order to ascertain if there is a reliable medical basis upon which to base their opinions. Also, the interaction of medications is another important factor that can be considered by the tribunal in the analysis of your Social Security claim.
Has Your Treating Physician Adjusted Your Medicines As Needed?
Depending on the side effects you suffer from, your medication may also affect your ability to work and your likelihood of obtaining benefits. Your health may likely continue to decline, in spite of all the medical interventions. Unfortunately, you may never become well again. The effects of medicines themselves is yet another factor that may be considered by the administrative law judge in reviewing your case.
Does Your Pain Radiate Throughout Different Parts Of Your Body?
Is it difficult for you to get out of bed? If you are able to persuade the disability examiner, or the administrative law judge, that you are unable to work in any type of job, then your chances of success on your claim are very good. Radiation of pain throughout the body and inability to even arise from bed are significant factors that militate in favor of you receiving Social Security benefits.
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