Can You Receive SSD Benefits for Cardiac/Vascular Disorders in Connecticut?
If you are suffering from a cardiac vascular disorder, your condition may be sufficiently severe to qualify you for Social Security disability benefits.
Several cardiovascular disorders can cause severe impairments that qualify a patient for Social Security disability benefits. These include:
- ventricular dysfunction or abnormalities
- chronic congestive heart failure
- myocardial ischemia, with or without necrosis of heart muscle
- cerebral perfusion from any cardiac-connected cause, such as a disturbance in rhythm or conduction resulting in dangerously low cardiac output
- central cyanosis as a result of right-to-left shunt, a diminution of oxygen concentration in the arterial blood, or pulmonary vascular disease(s).
Objective medical evidence including laboratory test results, examinations, medical signs, and a pattern of findings over a period of several months may be necessary to establish the degree of severity and the expected duration of a cardiac vascular disorder. At the Kocian Law Group, our attorneys will marshal the evidence on your behalf to establish your right to disability benefits.
Your cardiologist’s opinion about your condition, treatment, and prognosis also forms a key element of your case. Under the “treating physician’s rule,” a treating cardiologist’s opinion regarding medical disability is binding unless it is rebutted by substantial evidence. The treating physician’s opinion is given extra weight because the treating physician typically knows the patient best.
In determining whether you are disabled, the Social Security Administration may also consider the extent to which the symptoms you experience are consistent with the medical evidence in your record. Other evidence which may be collected includes your own statements , your medical history, diagnosis, prescribed treatment, daily activities, efforts to work, and other evidence showing how your impairment(s) and any related symptoms affect your ability to work.
When assessing evidence of pain or other subjective symptoms and complaints, the Social Security Administration must consider:
- subjective evidence of the frequency, duration and intensity of your pain and discomfort
- objective medical evidence in the record
- your activities of daily living
- any aggravating or precipitating conditions
- the dosage, effectiveness and side effects of any medication you take daily
your functional limitations and restrictions.
While the subjective complaints of pain and discomfort need not be precisely corroborated by objective evidence, they must be consistent with the facts established in your medical records.
At the Kocian Law Group, we strive to provide comprehensive representation for each of our clients in their Social Security disability claims. Call today to learn more about how our lawyers can help you.