Connecticut Assault Injury Attorney

Assault cases involve different facets of the law. Civil liability for the damages the assailant causes may be appropriate in order to compensate you directly after an injury. Your local State Attorney’s office may also pursue a criminal case, in which you have a right to weigh in with the court on the criminal sentence your assailant should receive. You may also be entitled to restitution in a criminal case to compensate you for the damages the assailant caused.
What To Do When You Have Been Involved in an Assualt?
If you were the victim of an assault or similar altercation, contact our Connecticut personal injury attorneys immediately. We will help you preserve your claims by gathering evidence and witness statements in order to obtain compensation from your assailant and justice for you. Kocian Law Group attorneys can help you determine how best to present your claim in civil court and how to present your needs and opinions in a criminal sentencing hearing. We understand the complex process of determining insurance coverage, presenting civil claims, and advocating for you in criminal court for restitution.
Contact Us for a FREE Assault Injury Case Evaluation
With evening and weekend appointments, and with offices in Manchester, New Britain, Waterbury, New York, and Hartford, our assault victim lawyers are conveniently available to help you. Our attorneys have the experience, client recommendations, and results to effectively and aggressively represent you to ensure your rights are protected. Contact us today for a FREE consultation.
Assault in the Workplace
While assault is possible in any workplace, some workers, including police, corrections officers, and court personnel, face a higher risk of assault while on the job than others. If you were assaulted while at work, Kocian Law Group attorneys have the experience to help protect your legal rights. For instance, certain laws apply to police personnel, through which you may be eligible for 100% payment of your lost wages in a workers’ compensation case if you meet the statutory criteria and an authorized physician has determined that you are unable to perform your duties. The Kocian Law Group has successfully represented hundreds of police officers, correctional officers, and security employees who have been injured in the course of employment.
How to Maximize Your Recovery
From the very first steps, presentation of your claim matters. If you make a verbal, written, or sworn statement without the protection of an experienced attorney, you may accidentally harm your chances of recovery in the case. Working with the Kocian Law Group helps protect your legal rights and reveal all relevant facts before you speak, preserving your rights to compensation.
It is also important to document all of the injuries involved and how they happened to maximize recovery. For instance, if your assailant had used alcohol provided by a server who violated the law, you may also have a valuable dram shop case that must be preserved, legally, as early as possible.
Kocian Law Group Attorneys can give a balanced, thorough analysis of your case with the one goal of obtaining compensation from every responsible person or insurer – even if multiple insurers are involved in a single assault case.
For example:
- A police officer injured in an assault in an altercation at a club serving alcohol may have a workers’ compensation claim and a dram shop claim, if the claim is properly preserved, documented, and presented in a skilled way.
- A student who is assaulted in the schoolyard may have a claim against his assailant and a claim against the school for its failure to take reasonable steps to prevent the assault, such as by removing the assailant from school property.
- A person enjoying an evening at a local bar who suffers an assault from a drunk assailant may have a claim against the assailant, against the bar for serving an intoxicated person, and also, if applicable, against a group or organization who may have been renting the premises and who was clearly in control of the premises and responsible for security.
With decades of experience, the attorneys at the Kocian Law Group can make all legally appropriate claims on your behalf.